The power of antioxidants:

This weekend, I had my antioxidant-levels tested by a scanner-like machine.

It was pretty interesting. Basically, it tells you if your levels are dangerously low, or super-healthy high. Mine was smack bang in the middle. My mom had hers tested and it was really high! This video clip by Dr. Oz pretty much explains it all.

This exercise has taught me to think twice about what I eat, it also made me realise that you can’t cheat your body like you can cheat your mind (insert the old “but this pastry is filled with spinach” line).

I am now determined to pump my body full of good stuff so that next time I get tested I’ll be proud of myself as well as protected against the dangers of cancer. I’m also super glad I stopped smoking 7 months ago, because I was probably in the red back then! I hope this inspires those smokers out there to quit before they regret it. Here’s to the good stuff!

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