Monthly Archives: August 2011

Our daily preservative-filled bread

A while ago my Mom was practising various science experiments to teach young kids, one of which was to demonstrate the moulding process. She had placed a slice of supermarket bread in a container, wrapped it in plastic and left it to stand for more than two weeks. Suffice to say, the experiment failed: there was not even a hint of mould forming on the still fresh-looking slice.

Now, I’m not going to throw a bunch of facts around, because that was evidence enough of the amount of preservatives that must’ve been pumped into something I’ve been eating almost every day of my life.

I’m really glad my Mom did that random experiment, because now I am committed to only eating “fresh from the local baker” bread, the kind that’s so heavy you can hurt someone with it, of which the  insides are sticky and tough to break.

“The best thing since real bread”

 Nothing tastes better than the real thing anyway, so do your bit for your body, and say no to the fakeness wrapped in brightly-coloured packaging that markets itself as “bread”. Read this article for more information:


We’re all covered in dead skin

Every minute of every day we lose 3000-4000 dead skin cells. No wonder my legs started itching like crazy about a month into winter. I tend to stop caring for my body when it’s chilly out, after all, no one will see it except for the insides of my fleece pajamas. Anyway, it became unbearable, so I took the extra two minutes a day to dry brush my body before taking a bath.

Basically, you just start brushing yourself with a soft-bristle body brush from the feet up, using upward strokes (be gentle on the softer stomach and breast areas). I’ve been doing this for a few weeks and my body feels so much softer (and less itchy). According to Google and women’s magazines,  it also helps reduce cellulite, but I’ve yet to experience this miracle.

I just thought I’d share this with you, as it really can be quite therapeutic and the results will reveal the beautiful skin that’s hiding underneath thousands and thousands of dead skin cells!

Beach body inspiration

Summer is upon us, so I’ve assembled some inspirational pictures for those of us who have yet to hit the gym. I’ll put up some more pics soon, but in the meantime, here are some models and celebrities that’ll get you sprinting to the treadmill.

Adriana Lima


Alessandra Ambrosio

Selena Gomez

Megan Fox

Kelly Rowland

Miranda Kerr, Candice Swanepoel, Alessandra Ambrosio

Aah summer, I haven’t missed you.

The brutal truth about cellulite

Unfortunately, this undeserved devil-disease doesn’t affect all women

… but is does affect most, so here are 3 things to avoid doing:

1. NEVER sit on your heels, it squashes all your side-leg cellulite together for the world to see.

2. When in sexy dress, do not cross legs. You might not be able to see it, but other people can.

3. Sunlight and shorts DO NOT match!

And 3 ways to cope:

1. Thank the fashion-gods for giving us leggings and maxi dresses.

2.  Self-tan makes any dimple seem friendlier.

3.  Pretty hair, good make-up and stylish clothes always trumps cellulite.

I still believe that a cure for cellulite will one day be discovered, but in the meantime just remember: if women can hide grey hairs, unshaved legs, dark circles, and mousey hair … then we sure as hell can hide cellulite!